
Oh A Camping We Will Go

Hey guys!  By the time you are reading this I'll be well on my way to Camp Misty Mountain with our Girl Scout Troop.  It's been crazy getting ready for this weekend.....so many girls, leaders and ideas.  But somehow we managed to pull it all together for what we are hoping will be an amazing weekend!  So......my role this weekend?  In the bag of artsy tricks are brown paper bag journals, tree weaving on a branch loom, nature print papers and leaf placemats.  I'm also pulling out the singing voice with silly songs like Dr. Nicker Bocker, An Austrain Went Yodeling, and Bubble Gum. 
This is our fearless leader Holly and I at the camp out in the spring.  This weekend is promising to be freakishly cold.  We've packed extra everything to keep our little and big bodies warm.  I personally LOVE the cold weather.  It makes me happy.  It makes me giddy.  It makes me want to shoot bourbon.....oopsy, that was a slip.  No boozing for us.  Instead, I'll be filling my belly with s'mores and hot coco around a fire. So whatcha going to be doing this weekend while I teach silly songs and create extremely outta the box art projects?

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